Monday, July 1, 2013

Why this blog exists

I've been living in the Dallas area for over 15 years now, and while I've certainly been all around town and sampled much of what Dallas has to offer, I've stumbled across a new part of Dallas I didn't know much about. You see, I've taken a job downtown.

Sure, I've been downtown plenty of times, but I've almost always been driving, and it's hard to really see and appreciate parts of Dallas from inside a car. But leaving the office at lunch time and picking a direction to walk until you come across something good to eat (or even just eat if you pick the wrong direction) I've really been able to start to appreciate some of the little details this city has to offer. 

I'm a New Yorker by birth, and to bastardize an old joke, my parents got me here as fast as they could. However, I've always retained a fondness for New York City and all the visual treats that all the Burroughs have to offer. The architecture is just stunning. When I first moved to Dallas the architecture was just blah to me. The buildings all seemed to mimic designs from about 20 years before they were built, as if Dallas just didn't want to try something new and waited for the rest of the world to build something first. Even the modern I.M. Pei designs seemed outdated, but I digress... Now I'm seeing architecture and the city in general in a different light, especially since I'm seeing the city on foot now as opposed as from behind the wheel.

I plan on using this space to share some of my findings. Hopefully it will be more than just a repository for some of my pictures and rambling thoughts on them and others will get some use and insight from it as well.

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